Thursday, December 8, 2011


Okay so i was at my papas house helping him rake up all of his leaves because he has a huge yard, and the way we were raking was we would make a huge pile of leaves onto the tarp then tie the tarp to the jeep and drive it back into the pasture and dump it and come back and do it again. well we were getting ready to tie the tart to the jeep but papa was raking a few more leaves onto the tarp and i see this thing in the huge leaf pile (which was like 4 feet tall) so i go over and kinda take a look at it and when i realize what it was i literary ran over to papa screaming my head off freaking the f out, and i think i kinda worried him because he was what whats wrong what happened. so i take him over to the pile and show him what it was that i saw. and guess what it was!!! it was a freakin squirrel tail! not the whole thing just the tail. the reason why i freaked out was because i didn't know if it was the whole squirrel or just the tail or if it was alive or dead or what. So after i show him hes goes "bummer" and i was like oh ya BIG BUMMER. i was scarred half to death. so i told him if i found anymore tails or any body parts for that matter i was done. Lucky we didn't see or find any more body parts. so that was my adventure last weekend. what was yours?

Season Greetings

I LOVE Christmas time. its so fun! i love hearing the Christmas music and seeing the lights. i love hanging up the lights as well. i just think it is so cool to see what people do to their houses. i DON'T like it when people overdo their houses so it looks like Christmas threw up on their house. that part drives me crazy. My most favorite part it the FOOD. for all you first time readers of Deonneesramblings i LOVE LOVE food! All the pies, candy canes, cookies... Its the best. what are you favorite foods of Christmas? On Christmas day i love to see the look on peoples faces when they open their gifts and stockings. my other favorite part is opening up my stalking. We made mine. its in the shape of a boot. i was like 8 when we made it and at the time i absolutely loved shoes. not saying i don't any more but back then it was an obsession. And not to mention its like two and half feet to three feet long =/ oh well. :) But I think my most favorite part of all is getting to spend time with all of my family. Oh and decorating the tree. Leave a comment and tell me what you favorite parts of Christmas are and why you love it.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

New Girl

so i started watching this new tv series called New Girl and i half to say its so funny. so she dumps her boyfriend and moves in with three guys that put an ad out on the internet for a roommate and they let her move in so its about her life with these three guys and its just so funny. she reminds me a little of a few of my friends and sometimes even me. Well check it out!

So sorry

Hey guys,
I'm so sorry i haven't blogged in a while. I've been really busy. any way not a lot has happened. and for some reason my blog isn't letting you guys post and i am trying to figure it out ASAP. i also don't think it is showing the title of my blogs either. i am trying to figure that out as well. well i hope that you all are doing well! if you can comment let me know what you all have been up to.
<3 you guys

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving break

What did you guys do over your thanksgiving break?
Well I went to Elko, Nevada and I have been sick. So on our way up to Nevada the roads were terrible! They were all snowy and icy! We actually watched this lady go off the road! We pulled over to make sure she was okay, and she was. But she couldn't get her truck back on the road so my moms boyfriend helped her get back on the road. After that we continued on to Nevada but sence the roads were so bad it took us an additional 2 hours! Once we finally made it we ate and then went to bed. The next day we just chilled. Oh and my moms boyfriend has a sister and she has two goats so we took them for a walk:) The next day we went smearing with one of nates friends. Well it was more like we got into the mountains and all stood around the fire because we were freezing! The next day we went shooting and then went to the hotel and chilled somemore. We all kinda passed out watching Tom and Jerry... It was awesome. Then we came home and I have been at my step moms house helping build thier new patio. I hope you all had a wonderful thanksgiving and an awesome thanksgiving break! Leave a comment and tell me what ya did.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Dear popcorn why do we have a love hate relationship? You are so yummy and I love you to death but I absolutely hate it when you get stuck in my teeth! I especially hate it because it is usually the teeth in the back reach and then your stuck there for a while and it makes my teeth hurt. But it all is worth it for you. I love you and always will.
Leave a comment and tell me about the food or and items you have a love hate relationship with.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Some Pictures I Think Are Funny

well in this post I am going to share some pic's that i think are super funny.
This one makes me laugh because it is so something me and my friends would do

This one just makes me laugh but at the same time i feel so bad for this baby

I LOVE this baby's outfit! and the expression on her face\

This one is just plain silly

This would totally be one of my dogs!

My cat would react this way

This one is so true

Well here is some of the pic's that make me laugh
let me know what you think